Agroscope good food, healthy environment



Plant Protection


2025 List of Plant-Protection Products for Berry Production Published

The List of Plant-Protection Products for Berry Production is available online for free download. It contains the names of the plant-protection products permitted in PEP with their active ingredients, commercial names, target organisms and dosages.


SRF-Einstein schaut hinter die Kulissen der Schweizer Käseproduktion

SRF-Einstein looks behind the scenes of Swiss cheese production

What makes Swiss cheese so unique? In its 9 January 2025 broadcast, the Swiss media company SRF’s science programme ‘Einstein’ explores this question, explaining the important role played by bacteria. In addition to a closer look at our bacteria collection, laboratories and culture production, there is a cheese test in our research dairy.

Soil Health


How Does Soil Health Affect Plant Productivity?

A team of international researchers has conducted a pan-European study to investigate the links between soil health and plant productivity in woodlands, grasslands and croplands. The results show that soil health is a particularly important factor in agricultural land.

Soybean and Sunflower Varieties


Lists of Recommended Soybean and Sunflower Varieties 2025 Now Online

Further information is available in the following languages:
German, French, Italian.



Plant protection, variety breeding and testing, optimisation of cultivation techniques - for agroecological production systems

Qualitative and sensorial analyses of foodstuffs for a high-quality, healthy diet and safe food.

Research on bees, horses, pigs and ruminants as well as official inspection of their feed - for economic and animal-friendly husbandry.

Research for an agricultural sector that preserves biodiversity as well as soil, air and water quality against the backdrop of climate change.

Socioeconomic analyses of agricultural labour, income monitoring, digitisation and smart farming – for an economic and socially sustainable agriculture.

Virtual or physical stations where researchers and practitioners together work together in co-creation to develop solutions for a sustainable agricultural sector.



Swiss Variety Lists

In association with partners, Agroscope tests and recommends numerous varieties for Swiss arable and forage plant production. The lists for potato, soybean and sunflower production have recently been published. The lists of recommended maize and forage plant varieties will be published in January.


Wahtsapp Kanal

Agroscope launches WhatsApp channel to inform practitioners

Aimed at agricultural practitioners, the information is shared on our WhatsApp channels 'Agroscope_fr' (French) and 'Agroscope_de' (German).



Agrometeo is a platform providing decision support tools and information for better plant-protection management in agriculture.



SALCA Method Updated for more Accurate, Flexible and Comparable Environmental Assessments

The SALCA life cycle assessment method was comprehensively updated in light of new needs, systematically documented and reviewed by external specialists. This will allow a wide range of research issues in the agriculture and food sector to be addressed.

Agrarforschung Online

Swiss Agricultural Research

Swiss Agricultural Research publishes Swiss agriculture and food sector research findings online. This open-access journal is published by Agroscope. Additional partners are the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, the School of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences HAFL and the AGRIDEA advisory centres.