Three workshops on needs assessment for Agroscope’s new 2026–2029 Work Programme have taken place with external stakeholders in recent weeks. Around 130 representatives from 70 organisations took part.
Climate change is compelling producers to find alternatives to the usual fodders. Sorghum is one alternative. When used in dairy-cattle feed, how does it affect the quality of hard cheeses?
What can the Swiss agricultural sector do in the face of climate change and rising resource scarcity? The latest issue of agroscope Magazine examines possible solutions for producers and consumers.
Agroscope has published the updated Cost Catalogue. Machinery and building costs have stabilised. New to the Catalogue are electrical material handlers and diet feeders, more powerful large-scale harvesters and low-emission trailing-shoe spreaders.
Investigations conducted by the canton of St Gallen have revealed high levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in samples of beef meat. Agroscope is studying the transfer of these ‘forever chemicals’ in ruminants, thereby contributing to ensuring the meat and milk safety.
In recent years, more and more foods have come on the market as alternatives to products of animal origin. Their declared aim: to positively influence sustainability and health. However, do they really do this, however? A joint study by Agroscope and the University of Bern examines this issue.
Do soils under meadows and pastures in Switzerland take up more carbon than they release, thus contributing to climate protection? According to a new study from Agroscope, they currently do not. Measures to promote carbon storage do, however, exist.
Agroscope führt einen innovativen Versuch mit einem Gerät durch, das UV-C-Licht mit einer Wellenlänge von 222 Nanometern emittiert und Echten Mehltau und Spinnmilben in Erdbeerkulturen bekämpfen soll. Der Prototyp wird derzeit am Standort Conthey in einem Folientunnel getestet.
The alien leafminer moth Aspilanta oinophylla is causing growing damage in the vineyards of Ticino. Agroscope's 'Neobiota' Competence Centre endeavours to promote natural interactions between the pest and indigenous parasitoids.
Lots of fresh air, enough light, and low levels of dust and germs in the stall are important for the long-lasting health of horses. A new Agroscope publication presents practical tips, background knowledge, construction measures and management assistance for an optimal stall climate.
The leaf-fall disease Marssonina Blotch is occurring with ever-increasing frequency in extensively-managed or organic apple orchards. A new Agroscope factsheet describes how the disease can be recognised and contained.
Digi Spot is a format of the Digitalisation Charter which regularly presents topical issues. The first online course will take place on 29 August 2024 and is free of charge. Please register by 26 August 2024.
At this year's Life Cycle Assessment Platform in Agriculture, researchers will show how sustainability assessment methods and life cycle assessments can promote innovation. The Agroscope conference ‘Life Cycle Assessment Platform in Agriculture’ will take place on 22 October. Registrations are open until 16 October.
Global wine sales have been falling for several years and the Swiss market has not been bucking this trend. Nevertheless, the growing consumption of sparkling wines in Switzerland and the interest in local products are creating new prospects for leveraging wine production.
The heterogeneity of summer farms in the Swiss Alps must be take into account in order to develop effective policy measures. This should lead to improved conservation of the ecological and economic functions of alpine meadows.
Electric drives are becoming increasingly important, also in agriculture. A new Agroscope fact sheet provides an overview of the electric handling machines for agriculture that are currently available on the market.
Swiss bogs are often threatened by desiccation and eutrophication. Agroscope was therefore tasked by the Federal Office for the Environment with investigating sustainable forms of management for adjacent land. The results are now available as informative factsheets.