
SRF-Einstein schaut hinter die Kulissen der Schweizer Käseproduktion


SRF-Einstein looks behind the scenes of Swiss cheese production

What makes Swiss cheese so unique? In its 9 January 2025 broadcast, the Swiss media company SRF’s science programme ‘Einstein’ explores this question, explaining the important role played by bacteria. In addition to a closer look at our bacteria collection, laboratories and culture production, there is a cheese test in our research dairy.


Optimised Food Recipes through Artificial Intelligence

Agroscope played a leading role in developing a digital tool for optimising food recipes. The tool facilitates the development of high-quality, nutritious and environmentally friendly foods. The new platform supports the sustainable transformation of the food sector.
Entdeckungsreise in die Erlebniskäserei von Wisi in Goldingen


Exploring the World of Raw-Milk Products

What experience do artisan farms and businesses have in the manufacture of raw-milk products? In association with the Centre of Excellence for Raw-Milk Products, Agroscope researcher Hans-Peter Bachmann visits farms all over Switzerland. The sixth trip takes us to Wisi’s experiential cheese dairy in Goldingen.
