
Käserei O’lait 5 Reisebericht


Exploring the World of Raw-Milk Products

What experience do artisan farms and businesses have in the manufacture of raw-milk products? In association with the Centre of Excellence for Raw-Milk Products, Agroscope researcher Hans-Peter Bachmann visits farms all over Switzerland. The fifth trip takes us to the O'lait cheese dairy in St-Imier.
Die Alp- und Berglandwirtschaft im Wandel


Alpine and Mountain Agriculture: Adapting to a Rapidly Changing World

For three years now, the Alpine and Mountain Agriculture Experimental Station has been helping farms at higher altitudes deal with increasingly demanding production conditions. In a meeting of tradition and technology, ongoing trials and initial results were presented to the media on 2 July in the Canton of Graubünden. Below, some information on the projects (only in German, French and Italian).
Agroscope intensiviert Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Bundeslaboren


Agroscope Steps up Cooperation with Other Swiss Federal Laboratories

With the aim of pooling scientific skills and resources, Agroscope is stepping up cooperation with other Swiss Federal Laboratories such as Spiez Laboratory and the Institute for Virology and Immunology IVI.
