Grassland Switzerland


Switzerland is a grassland country: its climate and soil provide ideal conditions for producing  meadow fodder. Fresh grass, hay and silage for our cattle, horses, sheep and goats all fall into this category. Meadow fodder is the most important source of energy and protein for Swiss dairy cattle, accounting for 76 per cent of their ration (Lüscher et al., 2019). Agroscope researches for multifunctional, efficient and sustainable grassland use.


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Andreas Lüscher: Passionate about Grassland Research

Andreas Lüscher represents the EGF and Agroscope on the organising committee of the EGF-Eucarpia Symposium 2019.

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Roland Kölliker: A Passion for Breeding Research

Roland Kölliker represents the ETH Zurich on the organising committee of the EGF- Eucarpia Symposium 2019.

Research on Grassland Switzerland