Integrated Tools for Optimised Grassland and Forage Utilisation

Swiss grasslands supply multiple benefits and services as a function of their management, the plant species of which they are composed, and pedo-climatic conditions.

Thanks to the development of cross-disciplinary decision-support tools, the farmer or any other decision-maker should be able to grasp these services in their multiplicity and optimise them for contrasting conditions and production systems. For this, it is essential to take account of grassland productivity and the quality, conservation and utilisation of forages in the ruminants’ ration, as well as different environmental aspects. The aim of this project is to develop such tools by linking issues of grassland management and productivity to the question of forage use in the ration, focusing particular attention on the effect of pedo-climatic factors.

Project Information

Project Number:

Project Title:
Developing Assessment and Forecasting Methods while Using Productivity, Forage Quality and Development of Plant Communities to Optimise Grassland Use and the Forage thereby Produced

Strategic Research Field:
Multifunctional grassland use

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