«As little as possible, as much as necessary» – that’s the goal of professional plant protection. Agroscope researchers have developed a modern tool to enable farmers to achieve this goal in fruit-growing and viticulture.
Agrometeo is a platform that summarises information and decision-support tools for the optimised application of plant protection measures in agriculture.
With around 9000 terms, our Agricultural Dictionary has undergone a complete revamp, is now called ‘AgroTerm’, and is available as a Web app. The new tool is more flexible, more upgradeable and more interactive than the old one. Try it for yourself and see!
In DATAphyto, die Datenbank für Pflanzenschutzmittel im Gemüsebau, finden Sie die aktuell bewilligten Pflanzenschutzmittel für die verschiedenen Gemüsekulturen.
Information system to assess the risk of Fusarium infection and DON contamination in wheat. For registered wheat plots, downloads are available for daily values and infection-risk maps as well as forecasts of DON contamination.
Der Humusgehalt eines Bodens ist für die Bodenfruchtbarkeit von zentraler Bedeutung und wird durch die Bewirtschaftung massgeblich beeinflusst. Mit dem Humusbilanz-Rechner kann man abschätzen, ob die aktuelle Bewirtschaftung (ÖLN oder Bio) den Humusgehalt stabil hält, fördert oder ob ein Risiko für Humusverlust besteht.
LabourScope is a specialised app for calculating the working-time requirement of work and production processes on the farm. This tool contains a work budget and key labour-economics figures for field work and work in animal housing, as well as for activities in the farm household.
The Toxic Plants – Phytotoxin (TPPT) database provides information on 844 poisonous plants in Switzerland and 1586 of their phytotoxins together with an extensive phytotoxin characterization regarding environmental behavior.