Scenarios for Agricultural Landscape, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (SALBES)


The SALBES BIODIVERSA Project examines medium- and long-term developments in agricultural production and biodiversity arising in the context of climate change, the plant-product and energy markets, new agricultural technologies, and framework policy conditions.

In the SALBES BIODIVERSA Project, Agroscope has chosen the Schwarzbubenland in Switzerland as a model region for local analyses. For the standard fruit-tree cultivation practised there – in which every tree lives (and thrives) for several decades – the question as to whether and which species and varieties of (fruit) trees will be appropriate in future arises even today, as the tree is being planted.

In parallel, similar issues are being examined by partner institutions in the Vienna Woods Biosphere Reserve (Austria), in Läänemaa (Estonia) and in Münster Region (Germany).

Agroscope will model the effects of these global changes on regional agricultural systems, cultivated crops and biodiversity for various scenarios. The results are to be be discussed with stakeholders on the ground. The aim is to outline potential paths of development for the near (i.e. 2030) and distant (i.e. 2050, 2080) future, together with all involved parties, including the agricultural, nature conservation and administrative sectors.

Project duration: April 2019 – March 2022

Last modification 21.04.2020

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