Research Projects SRF 5

Pflanzenschutzmittel Labor

Chemical Expertise on Plant Protection Products

The ‘Chemical Expertise on Plant Protection Products’ project provides the basis for the approval of plant protection products in the spheres of product chemistry, environmental fate and behaviour, and residues on foods. The assessments thus make a significant contribution to ensuring that PPPs are used in a way that is safe for producers, the environment and consumers. For this, networking with international associations is essential.

PSM Landschaft Tiere Vogel

Testing the Environmental Risks of Plant Protection Strategies

Pflanzenschutzmittel (PSM) sollen keine unannehmbaren Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt haben. Die Prüfung basiert vor allem auf den Daten der Gesuchsteller und die Anleitungen der EU bezüglich Methoden der Risikobewertung. Die Ökotoxikologie der PSM wird für relevante pflanzliche und tierische Lebewesen wie Algen, Fische, Insekten, Insekten inklusive Bienen, Regenwürmer und Vögel beurteilt. Auch bei PSM für den biologischen Pflanzenschutz (z.B. Räuber gegen Schädlinge) werden die möglichen negativen Effekte auf die Umwelt beurteilt. Die Prüfungsmethoden werden bei ändernden Anforderungen und neuen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen aktualisiert. Dabei sollen auch Resultate aus Monitoring-Studien und Forschungsprojekte einfliessen.

PSM Kontrolle Wirkung Traktor Bach

Testing the Impact and Analysis of the Use of Plant Protection Products (PPPs)

As part of the approval process, the efficacy, recommended use and resistance potential of the PPPs are tested. Impact experts assess the agronomic benefit, suitability and compatibility for the applications. The effective use of PPPs for various crops and plant protection strategies is only partially known. More-in-depth knowledge will provide a better understanding and enable us to optimise plant protection and economic acceptance while minimising the ecological risks.

AP 2018-21 Pflanzenschutzdienst

Plant Protection Service and Enforcement Diagnostics

The global trade in plant material can be responsible for the introduction of particularly dangerous harmful organisms – so-called quarantine organisms – as well as new, as- yet unknown harmful organisms. An ordinance implements the process for preventing these organisms from becoming established in Switzerland. Agroscope expertise and infrastructure coupled with the necessary laboratory capacity provide the basis for the enforcement tasks of the Federal Office for Agriculture.

Gemüsebau Schädlinge Fallen

Pest Control in Organic and Integrated Production

The control of pests in vegetables, berries and other special crops plays an essential role in safeguarding yield and quality. In seven subprojects, pests such as insects, mites and nematodes are studied under different conditions, e.g. in the field and laboratory, to ensure the protection of crops grown in organic and integrated production systems.

Virosen Kohl Gemüsebau

Sustainable Control of Viral, Phytoplasma and Bacterial Diseases in the Cultivation of Vegetables, Berries and Other Special Crops

Once plants have been infected, phytopathogenic viruses and phytoplasmas can no longer be tackled with direct-control measures. Bacterial diseases are also very difficult to keep in check with plant protection products. The primary aim of this project is therefore to develop non-chemical preventive measures suitable for lowering the risk of severe losses from these pathogens in vegetable, berry and other special crops.

Obstau Schweizerkarte Totaleinnetzung

Sustainable Control of Harmful Arthropods in Fruit Production

Fruit crops are threatened by a multiplicity of pests. To enable us to ensure high internal and external fruit quality for consumers, plant protection measures are essential. The aim of this project on pests in fruit production is to highlight options and strategies for lower-risk, sustainable PPP use.

Molekulare Diagnostik

Molecular Diagnostic Methods and Epidemiology of Harmful and Beneficial Agricultural Organisms

Modern genetic diagnostic methods not only allow the reliable identification of agriculturally important organisms; they also enable the genetic characterisation of relevant traits, such as pesticide- and antibiotic resistance. In this project, methods of this sort are developed for on-site use, opening up new possibilities for modern plant protection.

Apfel Pilz Faul

Developing New Strategies for Controlling Fungal Diseases in Fruit Production

Fruit crops are threatened by numerous fungal diseases. Plant protection measures are essential for guaranteeing good internal and external fruit quality for consumers in spite of this threat. The aim of this project on fungal diseases in fruit production is to highlight options and strategies for sustainable, lower-risk PPP use.


Studying Fruit Diseases and Pathogens and Developing Sustainable Control Measures

In the ‘Fruit Diseases and Pathogens’ project, alternative plant protection strategies are developed to control the fire-blight pathogen and bacterial canker. This involves the testing and optimal application of lower-risk plant protection products and the researching of microbial antagonists. In addition, modern sequencing technology helps us to determine the diversity of, and accurately identify, quarantine pathogens.


Integrated Control of Spotted-Wing Drosophila

The sudden appearance of Drosophila suzukii in Switzerland in 2011 and the significant local economic damage this caused in commercial fruit production rattled extension workers and producers alike. Viable prevention and control strategies are now emerging that go far beyond chemical plant protection. Agroscope researches to develop solutions for minimising yield losses, and supports the anchoring of these solutions in practice.

Fungal Diseases in Vegetable, Berry and Aromatic-Plant Crops

Rational Management of Fungal Diseases in Vegetable, Soft-Fruit and Aromatic-Plant Crops

Vegetable, soft-fruit and aromatic and medicinal plant crops come under strong pressure from a market which demands products of flawless quality from producers. The aim of this project is to develop a rational strategy for controlling fungal diseases by researching new materials and methods for protecting the environment and human health whilst increasing our understanding of fungal diseases and disseminating the knowledge acquired to producers.

Plant Protection: Forecasting Models, Decision-Support Tools, Platforms

Information and Decision-Making Platforms for Sustainable Pest Control

The ‘DigiPhyto’ project aims to provide producers with a set of pertinent information enabling sustainable and effective pest control. The information supplied stems from different risk-forecasting models based on a network of meteorological-data measurement stations, as well as from various monitoring studies to determine the presence of diseases and pests.

Sustainable Use of Fungicides in Viticulture

Sustainable Use of Fungicides in Viticulture

In order to reduce the use of fungicides in viticulture, this project pursues various lines of research, working on the development of alternative fungicides to synthetic chemicals and copper, developing innovative control strategies, and creating tools enabling the breeding of grape varieties that are naturally resistant to fungal diseases.


Sustainable Pest Control in Arable Farming and Grassland

This project develops innovative solutions for controlling the most important pests in arable production, thereby contributing to the further development of sustainable plant protection.


Sustainable Control of Harmful Arthropods in Viticulture

Increased global trade and ongoing climate change mean that the Swiss viticulture sector is increasingly confronted with new pests and pathogens. The aim of this project is to provide winemakers with the necessary knowledge to face the new circumstances and respond appropriately and sustainably to new pests.

Protection against Viruses, Bacteria and Phytoplasmas in Field Crops

Detecting and Understanding Viral, Bacterial and Phytoplasma Diseases in Field Crops

Agroscope’s ‘Virology and Phytoplasmology’ research group aims to identify and anticipate serious epidemic and emerging plant diseases. The use of new technologies should enable the development of reliable methodologies and diagnostic tools for the sustainable protection of agricultural crops.

Protection against Viruses, Bacteria and Phytoplasmas in Viticulture

Sustainable Protection in Viticulture Against Viruses, Bacteria and Phytoplasmas

Agroscope’s ‘Virology and Phytoplasmology’ research group aims to identify and anticipate serious epidemic and emerging diseases of plants. The aim is to develop reliable methods and diagnostic tools for the sustainable protection of agricultural crops through the use of new technologies.


Prevention and Sustainable Control of Fungal Diseases in Field Crops

The project provides the basis for the sustainable control of diseases in potatoes, cereals and maize. This is predicated upon a detailed knowledge of the biology of the pathogens, obtained through laboratory, climate-chamber and field trials. Based on the findings, we develop preventive and bio-compatible strategies that enable producers to produce high-quality, safe foods.