Animal Biology

The ‘Animal Biology’ Research Group engages with a wide variety of fields, with the focus on research into animal production using both biological and biochemical techniques. The Group aims to optimise beef and pork production systems and therefore interacts with various stakeholders in the sector, from abattoir to consumer by way of the laboratory.

Head of Research Group


List of Employees



Milk, meat, eggs and honey are foods of animal origin. They supply the body with high-quality proteins as well as minerals (e.g. calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, iodine) and vitamins (various B vitamins as well as vitamin D).

Posieux un cochon tandis que la nourriture


The feeding, proper housing and health of suckler sows, piglets and fattening pigs are decisive for economically successful pork production, and are meant to guarantee Swiss consumers a product, i.e. pork, of the highest quality.