Research Projects from the Current Work Programme

graphique AP 2022-2025

Work Programme 2022−2025

The agriculture and food sector faces major challenges. Among others, these include climate change, protecting the air, soil, water and biodiversity, and providing a healthy diet to a growing population. Agroscope’s 2022–2025 Work Programme takes up these challenges.

Third-Party Funded Projects


INSECT – A Research Initiative on the Changes in the Insect Fauna of Switzerland

What is the state of insects in Switzerland? What changes have there been, and what has caused them? Researchers study these questions in the project ‘INSECT’.

SBB Gleisbegrünung

Alternatives to Glyphosate in SBB Track Areas

Vegetation in the track area must not impede rail traffic and must therefore be controlled. The Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) have charged Agroscope with investigating alternative strategies to the herbicide glyphosate.