What’s the Status of Biodiversity in the Agricultural Landscape?


The Swiss federal government currently spends almost CHF 400 million a year to slow down the decline in biodiversity in the agricultural landscape. Nevertheless, it is often claimed that these measures are not beneficial enough. Launched in 2015, the ALL-EMA programme systematically records agricultural habitats and species, and calculates indicators for present-day diversity (for habitats and plant species, and also – thanks to the synergy with Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland –  for butterflies and nesting bird species).

With this data, the contribution of the government-subsidised Ecological Focus Areas can be assessed. The change in diversity will be measured through a repetition of the surveys five years later. Together with findings from other projects on genetic diversity, alternative plant-protection measures and pollination, this will allow regular reconsideration of the concept for biodiversity payments.

Further Information


Monitoring Programme ALL-EMA

Many plant and animal species in Switzerland are dependent upon habitats shaped by agriculture. In 2008, environmental objectives relating to biodiversity were defined for agriculture. These are being evaluated and optimally refined with the aid of the ALL-EMA monitoring programme.

Project Information

Project Number:

Project Title:
The Monitoring of Biodiversity in the Agricultural Landscape

Strategic Research Field:

Previous Projects

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