Control and treatments

According to the Ordinance on Epizootic Diseases1, beekeepers must maintain occupied and unoccupied hives in accordance with the regulations and take all measures necessary to prevent the hive becoming a source for the spread of epizootic diseases. Being able to recognise honey bee diseases and familiarity with effective control and prevention methods are sine qua non conditions for ensuring the health of the colonies and good beekeeping practice. Diseases spread very rapidly not only within but between colonies. Because the worker bees can fly over great distances and plunder neighbouring colonies or go astray in them, the risk of diseases or pests spreading to a large number of colonies is significant.
Given the high density of beehives in Switzerland and the fact that beekeepers move the hives around in order to make use of different bee pastures, the prevention of (epizootic) diseases is even more important with honey bees thatn with other livestock. The movements of most other livestock can be more easily and reliably limited through quarantining. The legal bases governing the control of honey bee diseases are set out in the Law on Epizootic Diseases of 1 July 19662, RS 916.40 (LFE) and in the Ordinance on Epizootic Diseases1 of 27 June 1995, RS 916.401 (OFE).

Für die Präventions- und Bekämpfungsmassnahmen sind unser Leitfaden für Bienengesundheit und die Broschüren des Bienengesundheitsdiensts zu konsultieren. 

The List of the products that may be used for disease control is regularly updated by the Swiss Bee Research Centre (CBR) and the Bee Health Service.