
Two International Research Projects Launched
Following ‘Soil-Q’, two further research projects with the notable participation of Agroscope researchers – ‘PERECUSO’ and ‘Bio-C’ – have been included in the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development.


Agroscope Climate Data Incorporated in the National Inventory
Long-term soil-carbon measurement series round out a detailed MétéoSuisse publication on the main climate-observation parameters in Switzerland.


‘Flexible and Equipped for the Future’
In this interview, Head of Agroscope Michael Gysi comments on the new 2018–21 Work Programme (WP 2018-21), and on how it takes account of the major challenges of the future as well as the needs of agricultural and food sector practitioners.


Two Agroscope Projects on the Use of Microbes Secure Funding from the Gebert Rüf Foundation
Agroscope has responded successfully to the Gebert Rüf Foundation’s call for research project proposals in the subject area of ‘Microbials’, which aims to support the application and innovation potential of microbes. Of the 47 projects submitted, five finalists were selected. Two of these were Agroscope projects, which will now split a total of CHF 830,000 in funding.