Landscape Typology of Switzerland – a baseline study

Landschaftstypologie Schweiz

The fundamental analysis for Landscape Typology of Switzerland is based on a ‘dynamic model’ permitting landscape character classification to be flexibly adapted through weighting of the content parameters. Long-term constant features (primary landscape structure) orography, topography, geology, and climate were analysed and preparedclassified. As medium-term variable criteria (secondary landscape structure) landscape matrix (dominant land cover), high-alpine (forest-free) landscapes, landscapes characterised by settlements, and landscapes characterised by lakes and wetlands were delineated.

The report “Landschaftstypologie Schweiz – Grundlagenanalyse; Beschreibung der Gliederungskriterien und der Teilsynthesen” (‘Landscape Typology Switzerland – Basic Analysis; Description of the Structural Criteria and Partial Syntheses’) contains an in-depth description of the methods of differentiation, structural criteria and partial syntheses. Here, the original data which were called upon are also described.

To date, two synthesis projects have arisen from the data of the fundamental analysis:

The geodata and the map of agricultural landscape types may be printed and consulted for further analyses, when citing the sources. Landscape character classification is further developed within the framework of various research projects. The Authors authors are grateful for references, additions and corrections.