Agrivoltaics aims to combine renewable electricity generation and under-cover agricultural production on the same plot and without competition. Agroscope is involved in the monitoring and agronomic evaluation of crops in several pilot projects.
Berry crops and fruit-tree cultivation are increasingly affected by extreme weather events, which are driving the building of protective structures. At the same time, there is a genuine risk of energy shortages. In this context, Agrivoltaics stands out as a promising solution to meet this two-fold challenge.
At the crossroads of photovoltaic technology, agronomy, the electricity market and land-use planning, Agrivoltaics is in full swing in Switzerland and in the EU. Its use raises different questions. In particular, the optimal transparency for most crops has yet to be defined. Numerous pilot trials are underway at present. Agroscope is collaborating in the agronomic component of certain projects, both on its own experimental sites and at producers’ locations.
Im Kanton Luzern hat am 20. März auf der grössten Agri-Photovoltaik-Anlage der Schweiz ein neues Forschungsprojekt begonnen. Agroscope übernimmt die agronomische Beurteilung der Himbeeren, die in drei verschiedenen Systemen angebaut werden.
Wie sind die Erfahrungen mit Agri-PV im Obstbau in der Schweiz und in Europa? An einem intensiven Erfahrungsaustausch Anfang November wurden verschiedene Pilotprojekte vorgestellt.
To utilise useful light for the vegetables grown in the greenhouse whilst producing electricity: this is possible thanks to the startup Voltiris's agri-photovoltaic system. Agroscope is currently testing this solution for vegetable crops requiring especially high levels of light at its Conthey site.
Agroscope und der Schweizer Obstverband organisieren zum ersten Mal eine Online-Veranstaltung zum Thema Agri-Photovoltaik (Agri-PV) im Obst- und Beerenanbau.
In Conthey startet ein Agri-Photovoltaik-Pilotprojekt in Erdbeer- und Himbeerkulturen in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Schweizer Start-up Insolight und Romande Energie.
Is it possible to feed the population and supply the grid at the same time? The innovative Insolagrin solar installation at Agroscope Conthey provides an answer to this question.