Yellow nutsedge belongs to the sedge family (Cyperaceae) and is distinguished morphologically from grasses (Poaceae) by a nodeless stem that is triangular in cross-section (trigonous).
Height 30–70 cm
Triangular cross-section
Narrow (5–10 mm) and elongated
Arranged in a ‘V’ shape.
The needles of the leaves feel prickly to the fingertip.
The plant is a yellowish-green in colour.
Surmounted by 2 to 9 bracts consisting
of 4 to 10 branches,
bearing yellow or brown spikelets
6 to 12mm in length.
Rounded shape
1mm to 15mm in size
Whole Plant
Not to be confused with the hairy sedge (Carex hirta) – which has hairs on the surface of its leaves and puts out stolons rather than rhizomes – nor with several other native sedges (
Weed Science in Arable Crops - Changins