Managerial Economics in Agriculture

Kuh vor Bauernhof

Agroscope collects accountancy data and carries out the annual income monitoring exercise within the Swiss agricultural sector on behalf of the Swiss Confederation. Research encompasses business and microeconomic analyses of agricultural production and of the upstream and downstream industries.  


You’ll find the publications on this topic here.


AgriPerform enables the performance of the individual farm branches to be measured at income level.

Cost Catalogue

The Cost Catalogue (formerly the Machinery Costs Report) for practitioners is published annually in September.

Latest News and Further Information


More income from Grass-Based Beef Production

Agroscope studied how grass-based farms can produce both economically and in an ecologically sound manner. Find out more in the video and in the article published in Swiss Agricultural Research.


On the Way from Niche Crop to Successful Product

Oats, triticale, hull-less barley, lupin, broad beans and buckwheat are not common crops. The EU project CROPDIVA aims to change all that. Agroscope is analysing the value chains of four of these six crops in order to promote their cultivation and processing.


Sheep Husbandry: Increasing Value-Added with Professionalisation

Sheep farming is under pressure, with a lack of profitability having negative ram-ifications. Professionally and strategically managed farms with larger, more uniform herds can be commercially successful. Agroscope highlights economically efficient, site-adapted production systems for Swiss ovine husbandry.

(News only in DE)