European Foul Brood


European foul brood is a notifiable brood disease of honey bees. All suspicious cases must be reported to the inspector who, where appropriate, determines the remediation measures in accordance with the official guidelines.

Sauerbrut – eine heimtückische Brutkrankheit! (German (PDF, 298 kB, 02.02.2017), French (PDF, 300 kB, 02.02.2017) and Italian (PDF, 300 kB, 02.02.2017)) European foul brood - a malicious brood disease
A. Imdorf, L. Belloy, J.D. Charrière, R. Kuhn, H. Berthoud, P. Gallmann (2005)


Between 2000 and 2010, the disease reached epidemic proportions. From 1970 to 1998, only 20 to 50 hives infected with European foul brood were identifed per year. Since 1999 there has been an upsurge in the number of cases, climaxing in a maximum of almost 1000 hives affected in 2010. Most other countries have been spared these dramatic infection rates. The measures consequently implemented to combat the disease have apparently borne fruit, since the number of declared cases has since decreased.

Rasante Ausbreitung der Sauerbrut (German (PDF, 279 kB, 02.02.2017), French (PDF, 284 kB, 02.02.2017) and Italian (PDF, 284 kB, 02.02.2017))
A. Imdorf, A. Roetschi, R. Kuhn (2007)