New Instructional Video for Cheese-Dairy Staff
The manufacture of liquid bulk starter cultures in a milk-processing establishment places high demands on the staff. Sound knowledge of lactic acid bacteria, uncompromising hygiene, painstaking work, and compliance with production specifications are the prerequisites for impeccable farm cultures for the manufacture of top-quality cheeses. An instructional video on the Agroscope home page shows how liquid bulk starter cultures for cheesemaking are prepared from Agroscope’s Liebefeld cultures.
Fabrication of exploitation cultures in instructive videos (in German or French)
Erster Swiss Agricultural Outlook publiziert
For some time now, medium-term, model-supported projections have made an international contribution to providing an entrepreneurial focus for forward planning. Now, for the first time, Agroscope has published such a projection for Switzerland. Revolving around the agent-based model SWISSland, ‘Swiss Agricultural Outlook‘ shows how the Swiss agricultural sector might develop based on international and national framework conditions, for the timeframe up to 2024.
Grapevine Rust Mite: a New Forecasting Model
Agroscope and the Staatliches Weinbauinstitut Freiburg in Brisgau, Germany have together developed Vitimeteo Rust Mite, a new mite-infestation forecasting model. The at-risk periods and favourable windows for treatment of the infestation are highlighted, and the graphs generated enable us to optimise the intervention periods. In this way, Agroscope is expanding the range of models available at and contributing to a more targeted and effective application of plant-protection products in viticulture.