
Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms in virus genomes assembled from high-throughput sequencing data: Large-scale performance testing of sequence analysis strategies.

Rollin J., Bester R., Brostaux Y., Caglayan K., De Jonghe K., Eichmeier A., Foucart Y., Haegeman A., Koloniuk I., Kominek P., Maree H., Onder S., Posada Céspedes S., Roumi V., Šafářová D., Schumpp O., Ulubas Serce C., Sõmera M., Tamisier L., Vainio E., van der Vlugt R. A. A., Massart S.

Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms in virus genomes assembled from high-throughput sequencing data: Large-scale performance testing of sequence analysis strategies.

PeerJ, 11, 2023, 1-25.

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ISSN en ligne: 2167-8359
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
ID publication (Code web): 53961 Envoyer par e-mail

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