Keller M., Guyer A., Lutz M.
Pflanzenschutzmittelbewilligungen für den Gemüsebau: Aktualisierung 2/2024.
Agroscope Transfer, 552, 2024, 1-3.
weitere Sprachen: französisch
Sauer C., Lutz M., Fischer S., Albertoni L., Ortelli S., Gamper Cardinali C.
Gemüsebau Info 28/2024.
Hrsg. Agroscope, Wädenswil. 11. September, 2024, 9 S.
weitere Sprachen: französisch | italienisch
Hirte J., Citi G., Meyer Y. L., Rauch M.
Providing the PRIF tables for digital applications: Technical report of the pilot project «WebGRUD».
Hrsg. Agroscope, 2024, 71 S.
Palma J., Smith J., Tomás A., Kay S., Den Herder M., Rønn-Andersen K., Bernascone M., Lawson G., Gosme M.
Agroforestry Virtual Space: Establishing an agroforestry community-driven architecture.
In: 7th European Agroforestry Conference - EURAF 2024. 28. - 31. May, Hrsg. EURAF, Brno (CZ). 2024.
Tomás A., Gosme M., Rønn-Andersen K., Lawson G., Kay S., den Herder M., Smith J., Palma J.
Online Agroforestry Tools and Data Catalogue: Developing a complete, diverse and detailed database of the current digital agroforestry environment.
In: 7th European Agroforestry Conference - EURAF 2024. 28. - 31. May, Hrsg. EURAF, Brno (CZ). 2024.
Dennert F., Altenbach D., Apothéloz L., Queloz V., Maggini R.
Verlauf von Xylella-Infektionen in forst- und landwirtschaftlichen Gehölzen.
In: Herbsttagung Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Phytomedizin 2024. 5. September, Hrsg. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Phytomedizin, Zürich (CH). 2024, 1.
Maggini R., Horrocks K., Xian X., Seehausen L., Collatz J.
Potential distribution of Aromia bungii, a new invasive pest in Europe.
In: Neobiota 2024 - 13th International Conference on Biological Invasions. 4. September, Hrsg. Neobiota 2024, Lisbon (PT). 2024, 1-18.
Aasen H., Gilgen A., Ledain S.
Improving large-scale hybrid LAI retrieval with local soil data and noise.
In: PANGEOS COST Action. 4. July, Sofia (BG). 2024, 1-15.
Kay S., Roberti G., Herzog F.
Swiss Agricultural and Climate Strategy:: a missed opportunity for agroforestry?
In: EURAF 2024. 31. May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 388-389.
Gosme M., Ronn-Anderson K., Skyum B., Rigal C., Paut R., Warlop F., Carton S., Pardon P., Houska J., Weger J., Úradníček L., Martiník A., Den Herder M., Hübner R., Tomas A. und weitere
AgroforesTreeAdvice:: an advice aggregator for tree species selection for agroforestry systems.
In: EURAF 2024. 28. May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 300-301.
Reissig L., Kay S., Roberti G., Lojka B., Hübner R., Gosme M., Mantino A., Tranchina M., Vandendriessche J., Reubens B., Pardon P., Den Herder M.
Social and psychological factors influencing the use of digital technologies in agroforestry:: preliminary results from the DigitAF project.
In: EURAF 2024. 29. May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 452-453.
Tranchina M., Mantino A., Burgess P., Cumplido-Marin L., Gosme M., Den Herder M., Kay S., Lawson G., Lojka B., Palma J., Pardon P., Reissig L., Reubens B., Prins E.
Technical, administrative and economic challenges faced by European agroforestry pioneers: Preliminary results from the DigitAF project.
In: EURAF 2024. 29 May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 457-458.
Lawson G., Kay S., Den Herder M., De Boeck A., Bertomeu M., Burgess P., Deranja D.
Can agroforestry help the EU Achieve net zero in the Land Sector by 2040?
In: 7th European Agroforestry Conference. 31. May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 390-392.
Ritzel C., Fiankor D.
How do non-reciprocal trade preferences affect the food exports and food availability per capita of Global South countries?
Global Food Security, 42, 2024, 1-15.
Ngaba M., Uwiragiye Y., Hu B., Zhou J., Dannemann M., Calanca P., Bol R., De Vries W., Kuzyakov Y., Rennenberg H.
Effects of environmental changes on soil respiration in arid, cold, temperate, and tropical zones.
Science of the Total Environment, 952, 2024, 1-12.
Schievano A., Bocchi S., Dal Borgo A. G., Alali S., Catarino R., Bosco S., Rubeaud C., Kay S., Pérez-Soba M., Paracchini M.-L.
The benefits of integrating agroforestry practices in regenerative/agroecology systems: knowledge gaps in meta-analysis literature: knowledge gaps in meta-analysis literature.
In: EURAF 2024. 29. May, Hrsg. EURAF 2024, Brno (CZ). 2024, 369-370.
Tranchina M., Burgess P., Cella F. G., Cumplido-Marin L., Gosme M., Den Herder M., Kay S., Lawson G., Lojka B., Palma J., Pardon P., Reissig L., Reubens B., Prins E., Vandendriessche J. und weitere
Exploring agroforestry limiting factors and digitalization perspectives: Insights from a european multi-actor appraisal.
Agroforestry Systems, In Press, 2024, 1-17.
Floradin P., Pomar C., Létourneau-Montminy M. P., Schlegel P.
Development of the mineralisation of individual bones and bone regions in replacement gilts according to dietary calcium and phosphorus.
Animal, 18, (8), 2024, 1-9.
Manzocchi E., Viry L., Eggerschwiler L., Hayoz B., Schlegel P., Dohme-Meier F.
Green-cut sorghum fed indoor to dairy cows: A strategy to mitigate herbage shortages?
In: 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 1-5 September, Hrsg. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024.
Rey S., Nasser H.-R., Cockburn M.
Evaluation of shelter design on equine rhythmicity.
In: 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 1-5 September, Hrsg. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024, 230.