For lambs quarters, only one mode of action has resulted in cases of resistance since 2011.
Several cases of resistance to photosystem II inhibitors (HRAC 5) have been confirmed: this resistance is not widespread throughout Switzerland, being mainly found in the Bernese Seeland. The resistance was confirmed for the first time in 2012 in the Cantons of Bern and Zurich.
Plant characteristics
Lambs quarters (Chenopodium album)
Annual summer dicot of the Amaranthaceae family
Colonised crops
Beetroot, maize, soybean, summer and winter cereals, potatoes, vegetables
Favourable conditions for development
Low-diversity rotations, early sowing of crop, infrequent ploughing
Preferred soils
Sandy or silty-sandy, moist, nitrogen- and humus-rich with a wide variety of pH. An indicator plant for salinisation by soluble mineral fertilisers, particularly potassium fertilisers.