SMARTCHAIN - A European Project


Smart solutions in short food supply chains - SMARTCHAIN

Project Aims
SMARTCHAIN encourages innovation based on the demand for short supply chains in order to improve competitiveness and foster rural development using a multi-stakeholder approach.

Project Dates: 1 September 2018 to 31 October 2021.

The SMARTCHAIN Project brings together 43 partners from 11 European countries. Using demand-driven, bottom-up research, the SMARTCHAIN consortium conducts a multi-perspective analysis of 18 case studies (from nine project partner countries) in terms of technological, regulatory, social, economic and environmental factors. An analysis of the links and interactions between all stakeholders involved in short food-supply chains and an identification of the key parameters influencing sustainable food production and rural development in different regions of Europe are implemented. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Subsidy Agreement no. 773785.


The SMARTCHAIN Project innovation platform presents the hubs and case studies involved in the project. A list of the innovations analysed via 18 case studies from nine partner countries is made available. A search tool for innovations and innovative solutions in terms of short supply chains will be available, using different search criteria. 

Agroscope participants
