Analysis of Honey

Residues from products against wax mote

Residues from products against wax mote (Paradichlorbenzen (PDCB) und Naphthalene) as well as the acaricide (Thymol). For samples which are free of such residues there is a respective expertise available.

Labor 133
Schwarzenburgstrasse 161
CH-3003 Bern
Tel.: +41 (0)58 463 81 82
Fax.: +41 (0)58 463 82 27

Auftragsformular mit Anleitung und Adresse (German) (PDF, 247 kB, 11.07.2019)

Analysis of pollen in honey

Biologisches Institut für Pollenanalyse
K. Bieri GmbH
Talstrasse 23
CH-3122 Kehrsatz
Tel. +41 (0)31 961 80 28
FAX +41 (0)31 961 80 29

Chemical analysis of honey

Quality Services Interntional GmbH
Flughafendamm 9a
D-28199 Bremen 1
Tel. +49 (0)421 59 66 070

Intertek Food Services GmbH
Olof-Palme-Strasse 8
D-28719 Bremen
Tel. +49 711 273 11 152

Analysis of antibiotics- and para-dichlorbenzene (mothball) in honey

SQTS Dietikon
Grünaustrasse 23
CH-8953 Dietikon
Tel. +41 (0)58 577 10 00