Environmental Analytics


One of the main sources of micropollutants in the aqueous environment are diffuse emissions from agriculture through e.g. surface runoff or drainage. The Environmental Analytics Working Group investigates properties, emission pathways and degradation mechanisms of these agricultural micropollutants in different environmental matrices.


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Estrogens from agriculture

The regular detection of hormonally active substances in surface waters worldwide is alarming. A potentially important source of hormonal substances that has only little been studied so far is agriculture. Particularly important is the input from livestock farming.


Phytotoxins: aquatic micropollutants of concern?

The appearance of phytotoxins in the aquatic environment is evaluated through modelling and monitoring to identify the importance of these natural toxins as environmental micropollutants.


Natural Toxins and Drinking Water Quality

This project is part of the European Training Network “Natural Toxins and Drinking Water Quality - From Source to Tap” (NaToxAq). It aims to obtain a deep insight on natural toxins as environmental contaminants to ensure the production of clean drinking water.


PERECUSO - Pesticide Residues in Potato Production

The project PERECUSO brings together scientists from Cuba’s National Center for Animal and Plant Health, CENSA (=Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria) and Agroscope’s Environmental Analytics and Swiss Soil Monitoring Network NABO Research Groups to investigate pesticide residues in the soil and in potatoes.




Kick-off Workshop on Pesticide Residues in Cuban Soils

As part of a two-day workshop, the Cuban-Swiss team informed the various local stakeholders about the SNSF-r4d project PERECUSO.

Further Information



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