Ammonia Emissions


Ammonia is formed by the breakdown of nitrogenous organic compounds. Being volatile, it is easily released into the atmosphere, where it contributes to fine-dust formation. Furthermore, it is transported within the atmosphere and deposited on soils or surface waters, where it can pollute ecosystems through over-fertilisation and acidification. After its release into soil and water it is converted via nitrification and denitrification, which may produce the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. Agriculture is far and away the greatest contributor to ammonia emissions, which originate chiefly in the animal production sector, from animal housing and from the storage and spreading of farmyard manures (slurry, dung).

Ammonia Emissions

The agri-environmental indicator ‘ammonia emissions’ (kg-N per hectare of utilised agricultural area) is calculated with a tool based on the model ‘Agrammon’ and uses ALFAM2 to calculate emissions from slurry application. The tool covers mineral fertilizer applications and the following components associated with emissions from animal production:

  • pasture;
  • housing and exercise yard;
  • storage of farmyard manures;
  • application of farmyard manures.

Calculations are based on soluble nitrogen.