Economic Modelling and Policy Analysis

Ökonomische Modellierung und Politikanalyse

The Swiss agricultural sector is caught between the competing demands of society’s expectations. Using economic models, Agroscope evaluates the impacts of agricultural policy instruments on social objectives and highlights trade-offs.



You’ll find the publications on this topic here.


Supply-and-demand volumes can be depicted and their future trends calculated.

Policy Analysis

Agroscope investigates how policy measures can reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture.

Trade Analyses

Agroscope conducts research on foreign trade in agricultural products.


The SWISSfoodSys model aims to assess and optimise the sustainability of food systems.

Latest News and Further Information


Product and Quality Differentiation in the Swiss Cheese Market Enhances Raw Milk Prices

Product and quality differentiation in Swiss cheese markets enables higher and more stable raw milk prices. Protected Geographical Indications (GIs) such as the Swiss AOP (Appellation d'Origine Protégée), could further enhance milk prices, although their effectiveness depends on the strength of the GI label.

Pflanzliche Alternativen in der Ernährung

Plant-Based Alternatives – an Analysis of the Last Ten Years

The study examines the discourse in the media on plant-based alternatives in Switzerland to gain insights into current trends. Instead of questioning consumers directly, the researchers analysed the media discourse which shapes and reflects consumer perceptions.


Food Security in Switzerland

Switzerland is dependent on imports. Agroscope compiles a yearly report on behalf of the Federal Office for National Economic Supply.

(Only in DE)

Last modification 19.09.2024

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