Swiss and European Artisan Cheesemakers to Gather in Grangeneuve

FACE Conference 2023

From 11 to 13 October 2023, the dairy and cheese producers from Switzerland and Europe will meet in Grangeneuve. Topic: Raw milk. Register now until 1st October.

The annual congress of the Farmhouse and Artisan Cheese and Dairy Producers’ European Network (FACE Network) will take place for the first time in Switzerland, from 11 to 13 October 2023. Organised by the Swiss Centre of Excellence for Raw Milk Products and Fromarte, it will be held in Grangeneuve, on the topic of raw milk.

Tours of artisan cheese dairies, thematic workshops, scientific presentations and a grand buffet of European cheeses are on the programme of this major event.

All lectures will be simultaneously translated into French and German.

Register now for one, two or three days.

Over 200 delegates are expected from the four corners of Europe and from Switzerland. The FACE congress will be followed by Open Days of the Grangeneuve Agricultural Institute.



Last modification 08.06.2023

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