

Negli anni '90, il Centro di ricerche apicole ha partecipato ad un programma di monitoraggio in cui sono stati testati oltre 100 olii essenziali, assieme ai loro componenti, per quanto concerne l’efficacia contro la varroa. Nonostante gli olii di salvia, isoppo e timo si siano rilevati interessanti, solo il timolo è stato utilizzato in prodotti acaricidi. I trattamenti contenenti timolo sono di facile realizzazione e sul mercato già si trovano diversi preparati. I vantaggi e gli svantaggi dell’uso del timolo sono riportati nel "Apilife VAR - Un prodotto per la lotta contro la varroa la cui sostanza attiva principale è il timolo" e nel "THYMOVAR per combattere la Varroa jacobsoni".

Use of essential oils for the control of Varroa jacobsoni (Oud.) in honey bee colonies (inglese) (PDF, 1 MB, 20.01.2017)
A. Imdorf, S. Bogdanov, R. Ibáñez Ochoa, N. W. Calderone (1999)

Pubblicazioni Charlotte Egger

Hammer L., Moretti D., Bétrix C.-A., Kandiah P., Pellegri A., Abbühl-Eng L., Portmann R., Egger C.
In vitro DIAAS of Swiss soybean cultivars using the INFOGEST model: Increase in protein quality from soybean to soymilk and tofu.
Food Research International, 178, 2024, 1-12.

Portmann R., Sousa R., Brügger C., Egger C.
Qualität vor Quantität: Protein Bioverfügbarkeit und Messung der Verdaulichkeit.
In: Forum MIlchveranstaltung. 28. November, Liebefeld. 2023, 1-18.

Egger C., Brügger C.
Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity, fluorimetric microplate method: Milk and milk products.
In: ISO/IDF Webinar on Alkaline Phosphatase. 14 November, online. 2023, 1-12.

Egger C., Hammer L., Marques de Sousa A. R., Portmann R.
In vitro digestibility and protein quality assessment, the example of edible insects: History pitching success story.
In: AGRO FOOD innovation forum. 19 September, Zürich. 2023, 1-9.

Egger C., Portmann R.
In vitro digestion protocol for the analysis of protein digestibility and in vitro digestbile indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS): Status Update Project C50 Milk and Milk products.
In: ISO/IDF Analytical Week 2023, Chicago. 13 October, Chicago. 2023, 1-5.

Marques de Sousa A. R., Portmann R., Dubois S., Recio I., Egger C.
Digestibility of meat analogues and the influence of processing: In vitro digestibility.
In: Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health. 14 October, Utrecht. 2023, 1.

Egger C., Marques de Sousa A. R., Portmann R.
Inter-laboratory comparison of in vitro protein digestibility based on the static INFOGEST method: Ringtrial on protein digestibility.
In: Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health. 14 October, Utrecht. 2023, 1.

Portmann R., Egger C.
A multi-centre peptidomics investigation of food digesta: Current state of the art in mass spectrometry analysis and data visualisation.
Food Research International, 169, 2023, 1-10.

Romanò A., Ivanovic I., Segessemann T., Vazquez Rojo L., Widmer J., Egger C., Dreier M., Sesso L., Vaccani M., Schuler M., Frei D., Frey J., Ahrens C., Steiner A., Graber H. U.
Elucidation of the bovine intramammary bacteriome and resistome from healthy cows of Swiss dairy farms in the Canton Tessin.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 14, 2023, 1-25.

Hammer L., Moretti D., Abbühl-Eng L. C., Kandiah P., Hilaj N., Portmann R., Egger C.
Mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) and crickets (Acheta domesticus) show high total protein in vitro digestibility and can provide good-to-excellent protein quality as determined by in vitro DIAAS.
Frontiers in Nutrition, 10, 2023, 1-16.

Menard O., Lesmes U., Shani-Levi C. S., Calahorra A. A. , Lavoisier A., Morzel M., Rieder A., Feron G., Nebbia S., Mashiah L., Andres A., Bornhorst G., Carrière F., Egger C., Portmann R. e altri
Static in vitro digestion model adapted to the general older adult population: An INFOGEST international consensus.
Food and Function, 14, (10), 2023, 4569-4582.

Marques de Sousa A. R., Portmann R., Recio I., Dubois S., Egger C.
Comparison of in vitro digestibility and DIAAR between vegan and meat burgers before and after grilling.
Food Research International, 166, 2023, 1-7.

Berger T., Badertscher R., Egger C.
Jahresbericht NRL - Milch und Milchprodukte (MMP), 2020: Bericht z.H. BLV und ERFA.
Ed. Agroscope, 31.01., 2023

Berger T., Egger C., Fleuti C.
Jahresbericht NRL: Milch und Milchprodukte (MMP).
Ed. Agroscope, 31.01., 2023, 7 pp.

Marques de Sousa A. R., Recio I., Heimo D., Dubois S., Moughan P. J., Hodgkinson S. M., Portmann R., Egger C.
In vitro digestibility of dietary proteins and in vitro DIAAS analytical workflow based on the INFOGEST static protocol and its validation with in vivo data.
Food Chemistry, 404, 2023, 1-11.

Berger T., Badertscher R., Egger C., Fleuti C.
Jahresbericht NRL: Milch und Milchprodukte (MMP).
Ed. Agroscope, 31.01., 2022, 7 pp.

Brügger C., Descloux-Kaeser L., Widmer J., Berger T., Jäger M. L., Egger C.
Direct labeling of milk cells without centrifugation for counting total and differential somatic cells using flow cytometry.
Journal of Dairy Science, 105, (11), 2022, 8705-8717.

Walther B., Guggisberg D., Badertscher R., Egger C., Portmann R., Dubois S., Haldimann M., Kopf-Bolanz K., Rhyn P., Zoller O., Veraguth R., Rezzi S.
Comparison of nutritional composition between plant-based drinks and cow’s milk.
Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 2022, 1-17.

Marques de Sousa A. R., Recio I., Hodgkinson S., Portmann R., Egger C.
Standardization of in vitro digestibility and DIAAS method based on the static INFOGEST protocol: in vitro digestibility.
In: International Conference on Food Digestion. 3-5 May, Ed. ICFD, Cork. 2022, 1-17.

Reiche A.-M., Martin Hernandez C., Dohme-Meier F., Portmann R., Egger C.
Milk composition of dairy cows: Influences of beta-casein genotype and horn status.
In: Oral and Poster Abstracts of the 18th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Society. 2022, Ed. Metabolomics Society, 2022, 251.

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Nonostante il timolo lasci residui nella cera e nel miele, dal profilo tossicologico tali residui sono innocui.

In Svizzera l’utilizzo dei prodotti a base di timolo, a partire dal 2008, è diminuito considerevolmente. Gli apicoltori che lavorano con tali prodotti tendenzialmente riportano più perdite d’inverno rispetto agli apicoltori che, per esempio, utilizzano l’acido formico.

Rückstände in Wachs und Honig nach Apilife VAR Anwendung (Zusammenfassung) (tedesco (PDF, 10 kB, 14.09.2016) e francese (PDF, 13 kB, 15.09.2016))
S. Bogdanov, A. Imdorf, V. Kilchenmann (1998)