Phages are key drivers of genomic diversity in bacterial populations as they impose strong selective pressure on the evolution of bacterial defense mechanisms across closely related strains. The pan-immunity model suggests that such diversity is maintained because the effective immune system of a bacterial species is the one distributed across all strains present in the community. However, only few studies have analyzed the distribution of bacterial defense systems at the community-level, mostly focusing on CRISPR and comparing samples from complex environments. Here, we studied 27 cheese-associated species encompassing 2'778 bacterial genomes and 158 metagenomes, which are dominated by a few bacterial taxa and occur in relatively stable environments.
Somerville V., Schowing T., Chabas H., Schmidt R., Von Ah U., Bruggmann R., Engel P.
Extensive diversity and rapid turnover of phage defense repertoires in cheese-associated bacterial communities.
In: CRISPR 2022. 12. Juni, Boston. 2022.
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