The activity field ‘Quality and Nutritional Aspects of Foods of Plant Origin’ pursues the goal of maintaining and improving the quality of domestic plant products (especially fruits and vegetables) from harvest all the way to the consumer’s plate or glass. Here, the quest to strengthen the role of plant products both in people’s diets and in the manufacture of high-quality products is paramount. Through quality improvement, quality control, innovation and new technologies, this activity field contributes to the marketing and safeguarding of Swiss fruit and vegetable production, as well as to the preservation of stands of standard fruit trees.
The activity field provides an information platform for producers and consumers, and supports them regarding specific quality and nutritional issues. Support for the conferring of awards promotes competition and exchange among domestic producers, thereby increasing the competitiveness of domestic production vis-à-vis imported products. This assures the consumer of improved quality.
It is hoped that the promotion of quality awareness in producers and consumers in terms of the health-promoting and sensorial properties of plant products will increase the consumption of high-quality Swiss fruit and vegetables, thereby positively influencing the health of the Swiss population.
Options for reducing food waste based on improved, energy-optimised storage are investigated.