Development of Strategies Against Fungi and Bacteria in Fruits and Vegetables

Pilze und Bakterien

Phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi, including quarantine species, cause significant losses in fruit and vegetable production. In order to detect these pathogens at an early stage, we combine classical microbiological techniques with modern diagnostic tools such as PCR, LAMP assays, or MALDI-TOF. These assays are constantly optimized and new methods are established to diagnose quarantine organisms in fruit and vegetable production as part of the Swiss Federal Plant Protection Service (SPPS).

For the development of plant protection strategies we study the epidemiology of pathogens as well as their interactions with host plants and natural antagonistic organisms. These studies lead to new plant protection concepts and to realizable treatment recommendations. The quarantine disease fire blight has our highest priority.


Main Research Focuses

Sustainable methods. Antagonist and microbial communities Together against fire blight.

Project Information

Project Title:
Developing Scientific Principles for the Integrated Control of Fruit and Vegetable Pathogens

Transversal Projects