

In the 1990s, the Bee Research Centre took part in a screening programme testing the potential effectiveness of over 100 essential oils and essential oil components against the varroa mite. Although sage, hyssop and thyme oils proved interesting, only thymol has been used in acaricide products. Thymol treatments require little effort, and there are a variety of preparations on the market. The advantages and drawbacks of thymol use are listed in the articles "Apilife VAR: A new varroacide with thymol as the main ingredient" and "THYMOVAR for Varroa control".

Use of essential oils for the control of Varroa jacobsoni (Oud.) in honey bee colonies (PDF, 1 MB, 20.01.2017)
A. Imdorf, S. Bogdanov, R. Ibáñez Ochoa, N. W. Calderone (1999)

Publikationen Thomas Berger

Berger T., Jakob E., Imhof R., Hummerjohann J.
Practical experience with process hygiene criteria referring to the safety of milk products and the reliability of certification [Poster].
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In: Progress Meeting Diss BoNT in Milch. 07.11.2008, Hrsg. ALP, Spiez. 2008, 1-18.

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In: ALP-Kolloquium. 13.09.2007, Hrsg. ALP, Liebefeld. 2007, 1-36.

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Badertscher, R., Berger, T., Kuhn, R.
Densitometric determination of the fat content of milk and milk products.
International Dairy Journal, 17, 2007, 20-23.

Imdorf, A., Bogdanov, S., Kilchenmann, V., Berger, T.
Toxic effects of essential oils and some of their components on Varroa destructor Oud. and Apis mellifera under laboratory conditions.
ALP science, (495), 2006, 3-18.

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Imdorf, A., Bogdanov, S., Kilchenmann, V., Berger, T.
Toxic effects of essential oils and some of their components on varroa destructor oud and apis mellifera L under laboratory conditions.
ALP science, (495), 2006, 1-18.

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Gefrierpunktbestimmung - Ringversuch September 2003.
ALP science, (470), 2004, 1-7.

Dalla Torre M., Berger, T.
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Apilife VAR: A new varroacide with thymol as the main ingredient (PDF, 103 kB, 20.01.2017)
A. Imdorf, S. Bogdanov, V. Kilchenmann, C. Maquelin (1994)

"THYMOVAR" for Varroa control (PDF, 75 kB, 27.01.2017)
F. Bollhalder (1998)

Although the use of thymol leads to residues in the wax and honey, these are negligible from a toxicological viewpoint. Since about 2008 the use of thymol-based products has been declining in Switzerland, and beekeepers making use of these products have tended to experience greater winter losses than those using e.g. formic acid.

Thymol residues in wax and honey after Apilife VAR treatment (PDF, 757 kB, 14.09.2016)
S. Bogdanov, A. Imdorf, V. Kilchenmann (1998)