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Protective Bacteria Underestimated

Lactic-acid bacteria have been used for millennia for the biopreservation of fermented foods. Their protective effect is conferred by the production of a wide range of antimicrobial metabolites. Protective cultures such as lactic-acid bacteria or other bacteria constitute a still-underestimated means of positively influencing the microbiome of foods. Agroscope seeks to discover the mechanisms in order to identify possible applications.


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Further Optimisation of Supply Security

Agroscope carried out model calculations in order to help cre-ate suitable framework conditions for security of supply. From these calculations, we learned that the Swiss population could be supplied with 2300 kcal per person and day without imports. Environmental impacts were not taken into account. Supple-mentary surveys and calculations showed that Swiss house-holds should optimise their emergency stocks, and that com-pulsory food stockpiles should be expanded. The results of the evaluation of the supply security contributions will be included in the further development of Agricultural Policy AP22+.


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New Meat Guidelines Online

Food packaging and labels impart a wealth of information to customers. Agroscope’s new guidelines are intended as a resource for the food industry for the proper labelling of pre-packaged meat, meat preparations and meat products. They also contain references to the appropriate legal bases.