December 5th is World Soil Day. Only healthy soils guarantee high yields over the long term, which is why Agroscope researchers are focusing on this ecosystem.
The functions of a soil in support of a high-yielding, sustainable agricultural sector are manifold: root zone for plants, habitat for beneficial soil organisms, nutrient store, climate-regulation aid and water reservoir, to name just a few.
Arable Soil Will Be 2023 Soil of the Year
On 5 December 2022 the Swiss Soil Science Society (BGS/SSP) chooses the 2023 Soil of the Year. This time it is arable soil, to highlight the latter’s role in providing high-quality, healthy food.
Various Research Projects and Programmes
Agroscope conducts research in a number of soil-related subjects. The European soil project ‘EJP Soil’ focuses on soil microbiome, water balance and carbon storage capacity, among others. The aim is to find ways to maintain and improve the health of the soil so that future generations will also be able to reap bountiful harvests while producing sustainably.
Farmers and their soils
EJP Soil has published videos for World Soil Day that also allows Swiss farmers to have their say on their soils. Their statements highlight how important a healthy soil is for producers. In another video (in german) – produced by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN with the participation of Agroscope – researchers shed light on other soil-related projects.