Social Media Guidelines


Agroscope uses various social media channels in order to inform and engage in dialogue with interested parties, the general public and organisations. You can follow us on the following channels:

Agroscope is open to all comments, remarks or questions on its posts and tweets. So that our information is shared correctly and in order to ensure a high-quality, courteous exchange on our social media platforms, we adhere to the following rules:


Comments on our social media posts must relate to the topic of the post in question. We delete irrelevant comments.

Posts by private users on Agroscope’s social media channels do not reflect the opinion of Agroscope.

Information posted by users is the sole responsibility of the poster. Agroscope cannot confirm the accuracy of this information.

The opinions of other users must be respected. Comments must be fair, factual and within the law. It should be borne in mind that communication on social media is public.

Agroscope reserves the right to remove posts that do not conform to these rules without giving reasons, as well as to block without advance warning persons who repeatedly violate these rules.

The following content in particular is not permitted:

  • Libellous posts and comments with racist, discriminatory, sexist, pornographic, violence-glorifying, misleading or illegal content;
  •  ‘X-rated’ or lewd comments;
  • Personal attacks;
  • Spam, lonely-hearts ads, adverts and other commercial content;
  • Activities that interfere with the proper functioning of social media, and the uploading of documents containing harmful viruses or similar;
  • Content that infringes the rights of Agroscope.

Please note that Facebook itself also moderates comments. Certain comments may be identified by Facebook as spam at the time of posting. They then disappear without our intervention.

If you would like to ask a specific question, please use the Direct Messages of the respective channel, or our email address:

Image rights

The photographs and videos published by Agroscope may be downloaded, shared and reused provided that Agroscope is mentioned as the author. The images and videos may not be altered or used for commercial purposes.

Last modification 24.07.2024

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