
Pubblicazioni Antonia Kaiser

Kaiser A.
Transitioning to low-pesticide agriculture: Practices, discourses, and policies.
Ed. Universität Basel, 2024, 113 pp.

Kaiser A., Samuel R., Burger P.
Toward a low-pesticide agriculture: bridging practice theory and social-psychological concepts to analyze farmers’ routines.
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 20, (1), 2024, 1-20.

Kaiser A., Mack G., Wang Y., Ritzel C.
Gründe für und gegen das Anlegen von biodiversitätsfördernden Strukturen.
In: 46. Agrarökonomie-Tagung. 21. November, Ed. Agroscope, Tänikon (CH). 2023, 1-18.

Kaiser A.
Discursive struggles over pesticide legitimacy in Switzerland: A news media analysis.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 49, 2023, 1-17.

Mann S., Kaiser A.
Why is agricultural policy not more environmentally ambitious? Comparing failed attempts in Switzerland.
Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 11, 2023, 1-7.

Kaiser A., Burger P.
Understanding diversity in farmers’ routinized crop protection practices.
Journal of Rural Studies, 89, 2022, 149-160.

Kaiser A., Burger P.
A social practice theory approach to farmers’ crop protection.
In: Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2020. 07.11., ETH Zürich. 2020.

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