
Pubblicazioni Frank Liebisch

Piccini C., Metzger K., Debaene G., Stenberg B., Götzinger S., Borůvka L., Sandén T., Bragazza L., Liebisch F.
In‐field soil spectroscopy in Vis–NIR range for fast and reliable soil analysis: A review.
European Journal of Soil Science, 75, (2), 2024, 1-18.

Wiggenhauser M., Illmer D., Spiess E., Holzkaemper A., Prasuhn V., Liebisch F.
Cadmium, zinc, and copper leaching rates determined in large monolith lysimeters.
Science of the Total Environment, 926, 2024, 1-12.

Yuzugullu O., Fajraoui N., Don A., Liebisch F.
Satellite-based soil organic carbon mapping on European soils using available datasets and support sampling.
Science of Remote Sensing, 9, 2024, 1-17.

Jordan-Meille L., Denoroy P., Dittert K., Cugnon T., Quemada M., Wall D., Bechini L., Marx S., Oenema O., Reijneveld A., Liebisch F., Diedhiou K., Degan F., Higgins S.
Comparison of nitrogen fertilisation recommendations of West European countries.
European Journal of Soil Science, 74, (6), 2024, 1-38.

Neuweiler R., Huguenin-Elie O., Schöneberg T., Guillaume T., Liebisch F.
Metodo Nmin per determinare le esigenze di concimazione.
Ed. Agroscope, Scheda tecnica N. 194, 2023, 4 pp.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Guillaume T., Carlen C., Gilgen A., Liebisch F.
Determinazione delle esigenze di concimazione delle colture secondo le norme corrette.
Ed. Agroscope, Scheda tecnica N. 201, 2023, 4 pp.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Schöneberg T., Liebisch F.
Concimazione in orticoltura: Principi di concimazione delle colture agricole in Svizzera (PRIC 2023) – Capitolo 10.
Ed. Agroscope, 2023, 25 pp.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Higgins S., Keesstra S. D., Kadziuliene Z., Jordan-Meille L., Wall D., Trinchera A., Spiegel H., Sanden T., Baumgarten A., Jensen J. L., Hirte J., Liebisch F., Klages S., et al.
Stocktake study of current fertilisation recommendations across Europe and discussion towards a more harmonised approach.
European Journal of Soil Science, 74, (5), 2023.

Bernert G., Liebisch F.
CULTAN: concimazione azotata tramite iniezione.
Ed. Agroscope, Scheda tecnica N. 190, 2023, 4 pp.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Lorenzetti R., Castaldi F., Fondon C.L., Boruvka L., Metzger K., Ben-Dor E., Egmond van E., Barbetti R., Fantappie M., Debaene G., Klumpp K., Liebisch F., Gholizadeh A., Stenberg B., Knadel M.
The contribution of the European Project Probefield to in-field use of proximal soil sensors.
In: 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry. 6-8 November, Pisa. 2023.

Bernert G., Spiess E., Liebisch F.
CULTAN-Düngung reduziert die Stickstoffauswaschung bei gleichbleibendem Ertrag.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 14, 2023, 207-213.
altre lingue: francese

Spiess E., Liebisch F.
Nährstoffbilanz der schweizerischen Landwirtschaft für die Jahre 1975 bis 2021.
Agroscope Science, 170, 2023, 1-22.

Argento F., Bischoff W. A., Liebisch F.
Balancing carbon storage and groundwater quality in crop production in Switzerland.
In: European Healthy Soil Conference - 1st Edition: Soil Fertility. 14 September, Ed. FHNW School of Life Sciences / Agroscope, Muttenz. 2023, 1.

Nucera E., Huguenin-Elie O., Mayer J., Liebisch F., Spiess E.
Method for estimating nitrogen input by symbiotic fixation on Swiss farms.
Agroscope Science, 164, 2023, 1-49.

Metzger K., Liebisch F., Herrera J. M., Guillaume T., Walder F., Bragazza L.
The use of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for in-situ characterization of agricultural soil fertility: A proposition of best practice by comparing scanning positions and spectrometers.
Soil Use and Management, In Press, 2023, 1-13.

Thiébaud E., Hafner D., Huber S., Giuliani G. , Meier T., Ringger C., Stüssi M., Liebisch F., Leifeld J., Oberholzer H., Kreft C., Huber R., Finger R., Bertschi M., Meili J. e altri
CO2-Endbericht Ressourcenprojekt "AgroCO2ncept Flaachtal".
Ed. dss+ und Flury&Giuliani GmbH, 22. Mai, 2023, 125 pp.

Hirte J., Liebisch F.
Crop response to soil potassium under diverse pedoclimatic conditions in multiple environments: Implications for fertilization recommendations.
In: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges. 22 June, Rothamsted. 2023, 1-18.

Epper C. A., Ghiasi S., Liebisch F., Mayer J.
Re-evaluating the fertiliser nitrogen use efficiency using Swiss long term experiments.
In: Long Term Experiments: meeting future challenges. 20. June, Ed. Rothamsted research center, Rothamsted. 2023.

Argento F., Bischoff W. A., Hug R., Liebisch F.
CriticalN Jahresbericht 2022: Teil Ackerbau.
Ed. Bildungszentrum Wallierhof, Inforama und TerrAquat, 2023, 24 pp.

Frick H., Bischoff W.-A., Liebisch F.
Massnahmen zur Reduktion der Nitratauswaschung ins Grundwasser: Regionalisierter Massnahmenkatalog für das Nitratprojekt Niederbipp-Gäu-Olten (SO & BE).
Agroscope Science, 147, 2023, 1-134.

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