Huber R., Marcourt L., Félix F., Tardy S., Michellod E., Scapozza L., Wolfender J.-L., Gindro K., Queiroz E.F.
Study of phenoxy radical couplings using the enzymatic secretome of Botrytis cinerea.
Frontiers in Chemistry, 12, 2024, 1-15.
Dubuis P.-H., Droz M., Melgar A., Gindro K., Zürcher U. A., Zarn J. A., König S. L. B.
Traitements phytosanitaires par drones : Risques pour les riverains?
Vignes et Vergers, 4, 2024, 6-7.
La Forgia D., Gindro K., Hiltpold I.
Les oeufs de la punaise marbrée, source d'innovations phytosanitaires.
Journal Agri, 15 mars, 2024, 20.
Zuffa S., Schmid R., Bauermeister A., Gomes P. W. P., Caraballo-Rodriguez A. M., El Abiead Y., Aron A. T., Gentry E. C., Zemlin J., Gindro K., Massana Codina J., Dorrestein P.
microbeMASST: A taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data.
Nature Microbiology, 9, 2024, 336-345.
Alfattani A., Queiroz E. F., Marcourt L., Leoni S., Stien D., Hofstetter V., Gindro K., Perron K., Wolfender J.-L.
One-step bio-guided isolation of secondary metabolites from the endophytic fungus Penicillium crustosum using high-resolution semi-preparative HPLC.
Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 27, (4), 2024, 573-583.
Pellissier L., Gaudry A., Vilette S., Lecoultre N., Rutz A., Allard P.-M., Marcourt L., Queiroz E. F., Chave J., Eparvier V., Stien D., Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
Comparative metabolomic study of fungal foliar endophytes and their long-lived host Astrocaryum sciophilum: A model for exploring the chemodiversity of host-microbe interactions.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 2023, 1-22.
Grillon A. C., Gindro K., Chevalley C., Massana Codina J.
Antifungal evaluation of plant extracts as alternative fungicides for the management of early and late blight in potato crops.
In: European Association for Potato Research EAPR Pathology and Pests Section Meeting. 4 September, Arras. 2023, 1.
Zufferey V., Spring J.-L., Gindro K., Verdenal T., Viret O., Murisier F.
Anatomie et physiologie de la vigne : Conduite de la vigne, flux de sèves, adaptation à la sécheresse.
In: Colloques Simonit and Sirch. 18 juillet, Udine. 2023, 1-96.
La Forgia D., Hiltpold I., Cleroux M., Favaro R., Gindro K.
The killer detects prey’s odours: can fungi be attracted to Halyomorpha halys eggs by their volatiles?
In: European conference of Entomology 2023. 16. October, Heraklion (GR). 2023, 284.
Schürch Gabus S., Gindro K., Schnée S., Dubuis P.-H., Massana Codina J., Wilhelm M., Riat A., Lamoth F., Sanglard D.
Occurrence of Aspergillus fumigatus azole resistance in soils from Switzerland.
Medical Mycology, 61, (11), 2023, 1-10.
Huber R., Marcourt L., Héritier M., Luscher A., Guebey L., Schnée S., Michellod E., Guerrier S., Wolfender J-L., Scapozza L., Köhler T., Gindro K., Queiroz E. F.
Generation of potent antibacterial compounds through enzymatic and chemical modifications of the trans-delta-viniferin scafold.
Scientific Reports, 13, (15986), 2023, 1-21.
Jaccard A., Dubuis N., Kellenberger I., Brodard J., Schnée S., Gindro K., Schumpp O.
New viruses of Cladosporium sp. expand considerably the taxonomic structure of Gammapartitivirus genus.
Journal of General Virology, 104, (8), 2023, 1-12.
Verdenal T., Spring J.-L., Zufferey V., Bourdin G., Bieri S., Gindro K.
Swiss program for the creation of fungal disease resistant grape varieties.
In: GiESCO Conference. 17 July, Ed. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. 2023.
Jaccard A., Dubuis N., Kellenberger I., Brodard J., Schnée S., Gindro K., Schumpp O.
New viruses of Cladosporium sp. expand considerably the taxonomic structure of Gammapartitivirus genus.
BioRxiv, Preprint, 2023, 1-20.
Zwygart A. C.-A., Medaglia C., Huber R., Poli R., Marcourt L., Schnée S., Michellod E., Mazel-Sanchez B., Constant S., Huang S., Bekliz M., Clément S., Gindro K., Ferreira Queiroz E., Tapparel C.
Antiviral properties of trans-δ-viniferin derivatives against enveloped viruses.
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 163, 2023, 1-11.
Dubuis P.-H., Droz M., Melgar A., Zürcher U. A., Zarn J. A., Gindro K., König S.L.B.
Environmental, bystander and resident exposure from orchard applications using an agricultural unmanned aerial spraying system.
Science of the Total Environment, 881, 2023, 1-15.
Viret O., Linder C., Gindro K.
Protection de la vigne et ses auxiliaires.
In: Petit précis de viticulture (Tome 2): La production de raisins. 1ère édition, Editions La France Agricole. 2023, 80-173.
Hofstetter V., Gindro K.
Esca disease: what we know and new research perspectives.
In: 49th Congress of the Wine Growers M.I.V.A. 14 October, Ed. Wine growers M.I.V.A Italia, Udine. 2022, 1-19.
Rita de Souza C., Gindro K., Verdenal T., Spring J.-L., Spangenberg J.-E., Zufferey V.
Water deficit responses of field‑grown Pinot noir mediated by rootstock genotypes in a cool climate region.
OENO One, 56, (2), 2022, 136-148.
Zufferey V., Gindro K., Verdenal T., Murisier F., Viret O.
Anatomie et physiologie : Alimentation et carences, accidents physiologiques et climatiques.
AMTRA. La vigne (Vol. 4), 2022, 564 pp.