
Pubblicazioni Katja Jacot-Ammann

Senn L., Grünig A., Richner N., Jelen J., Suter D., Hebeisen T., Ballmer T., Jacot-Ammann K., Buholzer S.
Versuchsstation Maran: Gesteinsbeete, Lebensräume und Pflanzen.
Ed. Agroscope, Reckenholz. November, 2018, 38 pp.

Breitenmoser S., Albrecht M., Jacot-Ammann K., Tschumi M.
Bandes fleuries et effets sur les Criocères.
In: Phytos: des pistes pour réduire. 14.06., Ed. ProConseil & Service de l'agriculture et de la viticulture VD, Pampigny VD. 2018.

Jacot-Ammann K., Churko G., Burri M., Walter T.
Reisanbau im Mittelland auf temporär gefluteter Fläche möglich: Ein ökonomisch und ökologisch interessantes Nischenprodukt.
Agroscope Transfer, 238, 2018, 1-8.
altre lingue: francese

Karp D.S., Chaplin-Kramer R., Meehan T.D., ..., Jacot-Ammann K., Albrecht M.
Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, (33), 2018, 7863-7870.

Herzog F., Jacot-Ammann K., Tschumi M., Walter T.
The role of pest management in driving agri-environment schemes in Switzerland.
In: Environmental Pest Management. Ed. Coll M., Wajnberg E., Oxford, Wiley. 2017, 385-404.

Tschumi M., Albrecht M., Bärtschi C., Collatz J., Entling M. H., Jacot-Ammann K.
Perennial, species-rich wildflower strips enhance pest control and crop yield.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 220, 2016, 97-103.

Tschumi M., Albrecht M., Collatz J., Dubsky V., Entling M. H., Najar-Rodriguez A. J., Jacot-Ammann K., Kleijn D.
Tailored flower strips promote natural enemy biodiversity and pest control in potato crops.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, (4), 2016, 1169-1176.

Tschumi M., Albrecht M., Dubsky V., Herzog F., Jacot-Ammann K.
Nützlingsblühstreifen für den Ackerbau reduzieren Schädlinge in Kulturen.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 7, (6), 2016, 260-267.
altre lingue: francese

Tschumi M., Albrecht M., Entling M. H., Jacot-Ammann K.
High effectiveness of tailored flower strips in reducing pests and crop plant damage.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282, (1814), 2015, 1-8.

Tschumi M., Albrecht M., Entling M. H., Jacot-Ammann K.
Targeted flower strips effectively promote natural enemies of aphids.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 100, 2014, 131-135.

Senn L., Grünig A., Richner N., Jelen J., Suter D., Hebeisen T., Ballmer T., Jacot-Ammann K.
Versuchsstation Maran: Gesteinsbeete, Lebensräume und Pflanzen.
Ed. Agroscope, Zürich. Dezember, 2014, 1-36 pp.

Eggenschwiler L., Roubinet E., Tisch C., Rodriguez P., Jacot Ammann K.
Suitability of two different trap types for catching aphid antagonists and pollinators.
IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 75, 2012, 69-72.

Eggenschwiler L., Speiser B., Bosshard A., Jacot Ammann K.
Improved field margins highly increase slug activity in Switzerland.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, online, 2012, 1-6.

Jacot Ammann K., Eggenschwiler L., Beerli C., Bosshard A., Suter M.
Significance of different types of meadow edges for plant diversity in the Swiss Alps.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 153, 2012, 75-81.

Schneider S., Widmer F., Jacot Ammann K., Kölliker R., Enkerli J.
Spatial distribution of Metarhizium clade 1 in agricultural landscapes with arable land and different semi-natural habitats.
Applied Soil Ecology, 52, 2012, 20-28.

Eggenschwiler L., Senn M., Ferrari A., Egli A., Jacot Ammann K.
Attraktivität von extensiven Wiesen für Blattlausfeinde.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 3, (2), 2012, 96-103.
altre lingue: francese

Schneider S., Jacot-Ammann K., Widmer F., Enkerli J.
Investigation of Metarhizium spp. abundance in different habitat types based on cultivation-independent detection and quantification.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 66, 2011, 125-128.

Eggenschwiler L., Jacot Ammann K., Richner N., Boerlin, K.
Verborgene Vielfalt im Acker: Untersuchungen zum Schutz der Ackerbegleitflora.
ART-Schriftenreihe, 14, 2010, 33-39.

Walter T., Klaus, G., Altermatt, F., Ammann, P., Birrer, S., Boller B., Capt, S., Eggenschwiler L., Fischer, J., Gonseth, Y., Grünig A., Homburger H., Jacot Ammann K., Kleijer, G., Köhler, C. e altri
Landwirtschaft: Kapitel 3.
In: Der Wandel der Biodiversität in der Schweiz seit 1900. Ist die Talsohle erreicht?. Band 25, Ed. Bristol-Schriftenreihe, Haupt Verlag Bern. 2010, 65-122.

Eggenschwiler L., Duflot, R., Jacot Ammann K.
Different habitats in arable land and Fagopyrum esculentum: their influence on aphid antagonists.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 56, 2010, 35-39.

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