
Publications Ivan Hiltpold

Hiltpold I., Dahlin P.
Les nématodes sont des organismes vivants encore largement méconnus.
Journal Agri, 25 juin, 2021, 21.

Ingber D.A., Christensen S.A., Alborn H.T., Hiltpold I.
Detecting the conspecific: herbivory-induced olfactory cues in the fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Metabolites, 11, (9), 2021, 1-14.

Kim J., Hiltpold I., Jaffuel G., Sbaiti I., Hibbard B. E., Turlings T.C.J.
Calcium-alginate beads as a formulation for the application of entomopathogenic nematodes to control rootworms.
Journal of Pest Science, 94, 2021, 1197-1208.

Laurent E.-A., Bousselin X., Breitenmoser S., Hiltpold I., Baux A.
Colza d'automne - Liste recommandée et recherche agronomique.
Revue UFA, (7-8), 2021, 34-35.
autres langues: allemand

Hiltpold I., Breitenmoser S., Steinger T., Bousselin X., Nussbaum V., Baux A.
Companion plants hinder foes and boost yield in oilseed rape.
Dans: NBFF-Tagung 2020. 04.12., online. 2020.

Breitenmoser S., Steinger T., Bousselin X., Baux A., Hiltpold I.
Using companion crops to hinder insect foes and boost yield in oilseed rape.
Dans: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. 11.11., online. 2020.

Koppenhofer A. M., Shapiro-Ilan D. I., Hiltpold I.
Advances in the use of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) as biopesticides in suppressing crop insect pests.
Dans: Biopesticides for sustainable agriculture. 23 March, Ed. Birch, N. and Glare, T., Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK. 2020, 1-39.

Koppenhöfer A. M., Shapiro-Ilan D. I., Hiltpold I.
Entomopathogenic nematodes in sustainable food production.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 2020, 1-14.

Hiltpold I., Moore B. D., Johnson S. N.
Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations alter root morphology and reduce the effectiveness of entomopathogenic nematodes.
Plant and Soil, 447, 2020, 29-38.

Breitenmoser S., Hiltpold I.
Il existe deux races de pyrales du maïs contre lesquelles il convient de lutter.
Journal Agri, 3 avril, 2020, 14.

Breitenmoser S., Steinger T., Hiltpold I., Grosjean Y., Nussbaum V., Bussereau F., Klötzli F., Widmer N., Baux A.
Effet des plantes associées au colza d’hiver sur les dégâts d’altises.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 11, 2020, 16-25.

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