Agrotechnorama Tänikon

Tänikon Agrotechnorama

Agrotechnorama Association Taenikon CH-8356 Ettenhausen near Aadorf, Schweiz

Visit our Museum of Historical Agricultural Machineryin Tänikon near Aadorf (TG), Switzerland!

360° Tour

Step inside and take a look around the first three floors. Click on the mouse and rotate the picture in a circle to get a great view. If you click on the cross in the picture, you will be taken to the next room. ...let yourself be surprised, there are three more floors waiting for you!

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Guided tours

The Agrotechnorama does not have regular opening hours. We are pleased to welcome you for group visits (small or large).

The Agrotechnorama permanent collection is situated in the barn of the former Cistercian Convent. 750 implements - from the small hand tool to the threshing machine weighing 4 tons - are displayed on a total area of 1800 m².

Fee per group visit of approx. 1 ½ hours: CHF 80.-

Tänikon Agrotechnorama Dreschmaschine Rauschenbach
Agrotechnorama Dreschmaschine Rauschenbach

Museum Guide

Would you like to explore the different development stages of agricultural engineering at home on your sofa? Order the illustrated guide (only available in German)!

The guide illustrates various subjects such as mechanised traction forces, motor mowers and single-axe mower, machines and implements for the field and the yard...

The author Rudolf Studer spent a lot of time collecting the displayed objects and is the founder of the Agrotechnorama Association.

The Museum Guide comprises 93 pages and costs CHF 10.-

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