Microscopically small organisms (microorganisms; previously ‘microflora’). The term encompasses bacteria, archaea, viruses, protists and fungi [1].
A term previously used instead of ‘microbiota’. Since the term ‘flora’ refers to the plant kingdom, today it is scarcely used in connection with microorganisms.
The sum total of microorganisms. This term can refer to a specific habitat (e.g. the soil microbiome) or to a specific sample (e.g the microbiome of a specific soil sample).
The sum of the genetic information contained in all genomes. This term can refer to a specific habitat (e.g. the soil metagenome) or to a specific sample (e.g. the metagenome of a specific soil sample).
A biological organisation consisting of the host organism (human, animal or plant) and all associated organisms (e.g. the microbiome) [1].
The sum of the genetic information of the host organism and its associated organisms (e.g. the microbiome) [1].