


Nitrogen-Saving Potential through the Application of Corrected Fertilisation Standards

A site specific nitrogen fertilisation requirement can be calculated with the help of the ‘corrected norms’ method. The method was applied and evaluated in the AgroCO₂ncept project in the Zurich Wine Country, where it demonstrated substantial nitrogen-saving potential.



How Prices and Fertiliser Use Can Be Linked

Fluctuations in the price of fertilisers and agricultural products influence the economic efficiency of fertiliser use. This can create economic incentives for reducing fertiliser use.

Handlungsspielraeume Baeuerlichen Familienbetrieb


Scope of Action of Family Farms

To date, the perceived extent of the freedom of action of farmers has rarely been used to evaluate the social sustainability of farms. Now, however, a new indicator has been developed that illustrates the scope for action of family farms in terms of consumption and production.

Duengung Traktor Mist GRUD


Nitrogen Fertilisation: Calculation Methods And Recommendations Vary in Europe

Differences of up to 100 kg nitrogen per hectare, depending on the country: fertilisation recommendations are not the same throughout Europe.



Agriculture and Biodiversity: Systematic Overview Identifies Important Avenues for Future Research

The intensification of agriculture has greatly changed Europe's agroecosystems, with major implications for biodiversity. An overview study by Agroscope and the Swiss Ornithological Institute identifies the most important areas for future research with a view to minimising the uncertainties of currently available knowledge.

Arbeitsaufwand bei Verzicht von PSM


Reducing Pesticides Can Be Advantageous, Depending on the Crop

Does pesticide reduction reduce profitability and increase working time? Quite the reverse – Agroscope researchers showed that going pesticide-free can be an attractive proposition.

Multifunktionalität Bewirtschaftung Grasland


The Impact of Different Management Practices on the Ecosystem Services of Swiss Grassland

Whether grasslands are mown or grazed, fertilised or unfertilised – all this affects the ecosystem services of Swiss grasslands. These services benefit both the agricultural sector and society, e.g. in the form of livestock feed or erosion protection.



Higher Plant Diversity in Organic Ecological Focus Areas

Organic farming has a positive effect on plant diversity in Swiss grassland, but ecological focus areas are needed to support plant diversity more broadly.



Extending the Productive Life of Dairy Cows: Who Has a Say?

Which stakeholders in the dairy sector have an influence on the productive life of dairy cows? Research results from FiBL and Agroscope suggest that broad-based cooperation is needed to create structures for a longer productive life.

Proximal Sensing afo


Measuring Soil Fertility Directly in the Field

Soil samples can be measured directly in the field by means of spectroscopy. Agroscope researchers have tested mobile devices and shown how to make the best use of them.



Biodiversity Indicators for Result-based Agri-environmental Schemes: an Overview

Those wishing to promote biodiversity in agriculture by means of result-based schemes need meaningful indicators. An overview of proposed and used indicators highlights developments and challenges.

Nitrogen Fertilisation


More Efficient Nitrogen Use thanks to Site-Specific Fertilisation

A test of five methods using the example of winter-wheat cultivation shows that site-specific nitrogen fertilisation enables more efficient fertilising without adversely affecting yield.

Social Sustainability of Family Farms


How Can the Social Sustainability of Family Farms Be Measured?

Previous criteria used to measure social sustainability have their limits in the case of family farms. We propose focusing on workload. Initial results show that this is an easy-to-use and meaningful indicator.

Last modification 16.12.2024

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