Farm Management and Information Systems (FMIS)

Indicate Applikationen

This project aims to use existing FMIS to generate known and new indicators with a minimum of effort, collecting the data necessary for this as effortlessly as possible via smartphone, terminals, etc. directly on the farm and in the field.


Farm Management and Information Systems (FMIS) can be used to interlink various machines, programs and platforms with one another. It should be possible to collect a piece of information just once and for it then to be available for all future calculations and analyses. Besides data that can be read-in directly by machines, nowadays smartphones offer a promising interface for collecting data directly on the field or in the barn, pen or stall. Thus, in future it will be possible to deal more easily with the nutrient balance, the plant-protection product journal and many other administrative tasks for complying with the PEP (Proof of Ecological Performance). Technological advances raise the question of how existing FMIS can be used and refined to collect new indicators. The objective should be to generate further indicators that depict the efficiency and sustainability of the various production branches.


The project examines the options for calculating the indicators from the other research programme projects with the help of FMIS. The FMIS-based indicators are implemented in practice on the Swiss Future Farm experimental farm in Tänikon. Here, we investigate how FMIS are suited to measuring indicators in everyday agricultural practice without significant administrative effort, and the extent to which they need to be adapted or refined.

Original Title

FMIS - Nutzung und Erweiterung von Farm Managementsystemen zur Berechnung von Indikatoren [‘FMIS – Use and Expansion of Farm Management Systems to Calculate Indicators’]
