Agent decision models
The modelling of agent decision-making behaviour can be subdivided into separate (micro-) decision models that are individually parameterised and modelled as autonomous processes. Initially this occurs independently. Within a simulation run, however, these decision models are sequentially adjusted to one another, then coordinated.
The following decision areas are modelled in SWISSland:
- Production decisions
- Farm growth and investment
- Change in land-use regime (conversion to organic farming)
- Farm exit and succession
- Land exchange through lease
Individual farm models
The production-and-investment-decision model of the individual agents is formulated as a mathematical optimisation model. The individual farm models illustrate the farm with all of its specific production and income possibilities, whilst bearing in mind the individual provision of the necessary production-capacity resources. One of the most important assumptions of the individual-farm models is that the farms maximise their expected household income, which consists of the sum of the agricultural and non-agricultural incomes.