Breeding Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Organic Cultivation in the Mountain Region

Systèmes de grande culture durables et résilients

Agronomic research plays an essential role in improving the cultivation of medicinal plants by increasing their quality, profitability and sustainability. Domesticating alpine plants and breeding the best varieties allows us to respond to the needs and requirements of a sector located mainly in the mountain region and geared towards organic growing.

Depending on the species in question, it takes between 10 and 12 years of breeding to obtain a new variety. To allow a rapid response to the demands of the sector, faster selection methods must be studied – in particular, the use of genetic and phytochemical markers at an early stage of the breeding programme.

Project Information

Project Number:

Project Title:
Domestication and Breeding of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Organic Cultivation in the Mountain Region

Strategic Research Field:
Plant varieties

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