Development of a control strategy for tiger nut sedge (Cyperus esculentus) for agricultural practitioners
- Devising a successful control strategy. The aim is to prevent tuber formation
- Achieving a better understanding of the biology of tiger nut sedge (number of tubers formed per plant and year, germinability of the seeds under Swiss conditions, etc.)
- Investigating the competitiveness of various plants (e.g. cover crops) towards Cyperus esculentus.
Characterisation of various cover crops in terms of their weed-suppressant effect
- Distinguishing the allelopathic effects of competition factors (light, nutrients, water)
- Detecting allelopathic effects in greenhouse and field studies
- Analysing root exudates in terms of their allelopathic effect
Establishment of a Swiss-wide, functioning herbicide-resistance monitoring service
- Inclusion of the data in the authorisation process and in consultation documents