Laboratory analyses make up an important part of the activities of the research station. They are carried out not only in the context of own research projects but also on behalf of the official feed inspection and for external clients.
In addition to analytical tasks, a considerable amount of time is devoted to the development of methods. Permanent adaptation is essential for the laboratory to maintain a high performance and remain up-to-date offering client-oriented and tailor-made solutions. Agroscope organises and takes part in various ring tests.
Besides being a training place for biological/chemical lab assistants, Agroscope is also involved in expert's reports on a national and international level.
Analytik Leistungen Agroscope (Standort Liebefeld) (PDF, 220 kB, 08.11.2023)Im Preis inbegriffen sind die Logistikgebühren für Auftrag, Prüfbericht und Versand sowie 7.7% MWST.