Limiting the Amount of Concentrates and Crude Protein Content Reduces Nitrogen Losses


Agroscope has calculated that limiting concentrates to 365 kg per cow and year and a maximum concentrate crude protein content of 18% could make a positive contribution to the nitrogen reduction path without negatively impacting profitability.

The Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG developed a proposal for reforming the Grassland-Based Milk and Meat Production (‘GMM’) Programme in 2022. This proposal makes provision for direct payments to farmers who reduce protein in their cattle feed. On behalf of the FOAG, Agroscope evaluated the quantity of concentrate and the crude protein content level that would serve to reduce nitrogen losses from cattle husbandry.

The aim: to maintain income while reducing nitrogen losses

The study evaluated different variants with reference to 2027. It was found that limiting concentrates to 365 kg per cow and year coupled with a maximum concentrate crude protein content of 18% would indeed have a negative effect on the amount of milk produced (-3.4%); however, this feeding variant would not negatively impact the nett entrepreneurial income of the Swiss agricultural sector.
Although the variant limiting concentrates to 730 kg per cow and year had a positive effect on both milk yield and income, this variant did not help to reduce nitrogen losses.




Last modification 26.04.2024

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